vendredi 16 septembre 2011

CrazyKartOON Scores online!

We are happy to have released a new version of CrazyKartOON and CrazyKartOONLite for android and iOS that can save your best scores on our server.

Here is the link to the web page: 

You can download the free version here:

I hope to see you all uploading your best scores and try to support your community, wether your are an android fan, or an iOS fan...

Let's the fun begin!

jeudi 15 septembre 2011

Interview with Didier Chanfray !

Didier answered me today, I haven't got yet the time to translate it, I'm sure google translation can do wonders on this, otherwise you'll have to wait for me to translate it later.
Meanwhile here is his presentation from giantbomb :
He is the guy behind Little Big Adventure, Toy Racer and many more!

Here is his interview!

1)    Bonjour Did! Tu te rappelles quand j'ai débarqué à Infogrames fin des années 80?
Euh non !!! …..sur quoi tu travaillais à l’époque ? En revanche je me rappelle très bien le jour ou nous t’avons fait venir à ADELINE SOFTWARE, tu avais les yeux qui pétillais !!!
(tu peux dire euh..pas du tout! c'est normal je n'avais rien fait et toi tu avais deja pleins de titres a ton actif!)
2)      A ce moment la tu avais déja bossé sur  "Marche a l'ombre" et "North and South"... Que de chemin parcouru depuis, es-tu nostalgique de ces années?
Non pas du tout nostalgique !! Je garde une grande fierté de cette époque dans laquelle j’ai appris mon métier tout en l’inventant !!
3)    Une question dont la reponse va rendre (une fois de plus) mon blog celebre pour ses infos exclusives: Tu travailles sur quoi en ce moment?
………………..tût………..tût………silence radio…………tût……..j’ai surtout travaillé sur ma nouvelle société qui vient de voir le jour : DIDIER CHANFRAY SARL  dont ses activités principales sont : études, conseil & formation vidéo ludique.
 (si tu m'insultes avec des grot-mots, je mettrai des !!!?????... hehehe)
4)    Est-ce que tu joues sur ton iPhone ou ton android?
Le jour de l’ouverture de la chasse j’ai joué à DEER HUNTER sur mon i-Phone (je sais c’est mal) ne le dite pas à mon ami Pascal.
5) Y-a-t'il une personne dans le jeu video que tu me mettes au defi d'obtenir des reponses a ce genre de question ridicules?
Franchement je ne vois pas !!- J …

lundi 12 septembre 2011

My interview with... (tadaaaa...) Frederick Raynal !

Today I'm quite happy as Frederick Raynal just answered me a couple of questions!

As stated in wikipedia, "Frédérick Raynal is a French video game designer and programmer, notable for his game developments in InfogramesAdeline Software International and No Cliché" ... "He is perhaps best known for Alone in the Dark" ... "Raynal also has a cult following for his Little Big Adventure series."

Here it is, with his authorization.

Me : Hi Fred!! Do you remember that day, when I came to your office, at Infogrames for a job interview? You were supposed to evaluate how optimized was the "scrolling subroutine" I did for "Mystical" (Holy Sh*t!! It's Frederick Raynal, the author of PopCorn that will interview me?!?!...) What a long way since then... Are you nostalgic for those years?

Fred : Yes, I remember that. It was another time, everything was starting and we felt like pionneers  I’m not nostalgic, as I grown up with the technology, I’m always amazed with the power of the tools we have to create games, at the time we met we needed to build every tools because they just didn’t exist ! It’s less easy nowadays because a lot of people create games and there are more than just one kind of players, but I still have the same strong desire to give them pleasure.

Me : One question that will, again, make my blog the most popular out there (ahem) : What are you working on right now?

Fred : I’m working on a new electronic toy and I’m about to release a small game I did on my spare time. Check my website to keep informed.

Me : Do you play on your iPhone or your Android?

Fred : Yes, I play both on iPad and Android phone. Like a lot of players, I prefer games that will not take me too much time. This is the main difference between games we did 20 years ago and today, the biggest part of games released are ”small” games. Core gamers are still able to find games that last more than 50 hours, but the big market is now for players that might play with a game for less than 50 hours, but one game should be fast and entertainning from the beginning.
Me : Thanks a lot for your answers! One last question ; Is there a person in the video game industry that you challenge me to get answers to such silly questions?
Fred : ... (nothing) ...

Me : cough...cough... who did you say? ... Oh yes! Didier Chanfray! Great idea! ...

Stay tune for the next great interview of famous people in the Video Game industry!!!

jeudi 8 septembre 2011

Few words about a World Ranking...

I just started to develop a HighScore system online for all of our games.

Actually it wasn't as hard as I thought : A bit of MySql and Php and simply a browser to do some debugging. Oh and also some Html and Style Sheets.

After that, it'll be time to link our HighScore system to Facebook...
A tip: If you want to integrate the Facebook API, be sure to have Php 5 intalled on your server, not Php 4 ...

Now we can enter in Beta phase and soon we will do updates of all our games.
Prepare to compete against the rest of the world with CrazyKartOON, DreamRace, BalloonShot, WashMachine, Izzie and ... ColorMixer, a new game to come!

samedi 3 septembre 2011

A serious game about Whales

Today, we just released a serious game about the Humpback Whale with all the information provided by Globice, a french organisation, in Reunion island, indian ocean.

You can find it here:

vendredi 2 septembre 2011

French influence over japanese game designers and animators

Today, I'd like to celebrate Paul Grimault and St Exupery.

Concerning Grimault, I definitely agree with Wikipedia's definition: He "was one of the most important French animators. He made many traditionnaly animated films that were delicate in style, satirical, and lyrical in nature".
Delicate in style, satirical and lyrical, exactly what I'd like to do in our games, but the road is long...
And I believe that we, french game designers, programmers and animators, should follow his path.

And concerning St Exupery, he was great at telling stories, a hard worker, and he gave us what we should always have in mind: "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

We, again french game designers, programmers and animators, tend to look overseas to japan and praise the work of Ueda and Miyazaki, when they tend to look overseas in the other direction and praise the work of Grimault and St Exupery... Both Ueda and Miyazaki admitted that their work is inspired by them.
Just read again "Wind, sands and stars" ("Terres des hommes" St Exupery, 1938) or "The little prince" (St Exupery, 1943) and watch again the wonderful "Le roi et l'oiseau" (Grimault Masterpiece) and "La table tournante" (wonderful short animated movies) and then view again the movies from Ghibli, or play again with"Ico" and "Shadow of the Colossus" and you'll understand.

So what is wrong with us? I believe it's just that we forgot our inheritance... Freud would say that we killed our father in order to be the father ourselves, but a dead father... No... seriously, I just think that we believed that the grass was greener in US and Japan... when Ueda, Miyazaki and others thought the same but in the opposite direction...
So now that we are supposed to be (a french movie and game industry) grown up, we have to celebrate our fathers and claim back our heritance! "French touch" is a lie, read this excellent document (in french) :
Actually the "French touch" everyone talks about is just to come... It's our job to make it real!

CrazyKartOON for android, Post Mortem

We just published CrazyKartOON for android on Android Market!

A kart racing game, certainly fast, maybe a little bit furious, and definitely fun!

Porting it from iOS to Android was pretty easy and straightforward, thanks and their engine.

You can now find it now at :

We will prepare a Lite version soon... Stay tuned!

Soon to come: CrazyKartOON

Hi everyone!
errr well... when I say everyone I mean my mom... even if I'm still waiting for her to show up... She'll be my first follower!
Anyway maybe you just happened to browse to my blog, Welcome! :)
This post is just to say that I am almost done with porting the excellent game CrazyKartOON from to our beloved android phones!
There will be a Lite version of it, and a paid one available on the android market.
Stay tuned... for the next hours!

Izzie for android, Post Mortem

Izzie is an independant game for iOS made by

It's one of the games made with their Game Engine (named DG)

We did the port from iOS to Android.

To port the game, we had to use JNI (Java Native Interface) to compile their core engine and use a skeleton in Java using an OpenGL SurfaceView plus a wrapper to their API.
And to be fully compatible, we only needed to link the openAL lib for 3D sounds, and the ZLib for unzipping files.

Their engine is so well programmed that we didn't get much trouble to do the job.
You can find the free version at: